
Božidar Milić Award


The founder and general manager of the company StructurARCH Group - Jovo Popović, M.Sc., B.Sc., was a member of the Božidar Milić Award Committee in 2018.

The company StructurArch Group _ SAG, also supported the realization of the award "Božidar Milić" with its sponsorship.

THE BOŽIDAR MILIĆ AWARD was founded on the initiative and under the auspices of the family of prof. Dr. Božidar Milić, University of Montenegro and Faculty of Architecture, in Podgorica.Award named after the architect and urban planner prof. Dr. Božidar Milić was founded with the aim to encourage, develop and affirm critical-theoretical thought in the field of architecture and architectural creation, urbanism and spatial planning, protection of architectural heritage and improvement of teaching in the field of architecture and construction, where, therefore, criteria are established for its evaluation in Montenegro, as well as at the international level.

The Božidar Milić Award is given for three categories:

  • Critical-theoretical text,
  • Realized work
  • Student work